Monday, August 25, 2014

It's official!!

We did it!! We survived day one of homeschool!! First things first we dropped Moo off at her new school and prayed that she would have an enjoyable day! Then I took Nadi to get her hair cut.  She had long, pretty blond hair and a very tender head.  Now she has shorter, blond pretty hair with 1/3 of the tangles.  That should make my morning easier.  It will still fit in a pony tail.  

We are using Sonlight Core B+C, world history condensed into one year with their 3rd grade language arts program.  We are using Teaching Textbooks 4 for math.  For science we are doing unit studies, the first being birds. For a little Charlotte Mason we are doing Artist Studies starting with Degas for the first 6 weeks.  We are going to do nature studies as well and of course the first six weeks will revolve around birds.

  On Saturday we went to a state park near us and went on a guided beginning birding class so Nadi could get some tips and hints on birding.  I figure since she wants to be an ornithologist she should learn a thing or two about birds...

So how did today go.  She only had one melt down and that was writing related...Imagine that.  We will be doing lots of vision therapy and occupational therapy type activities as well!  Overall it was very enjoyable. We got through everything in my lesson plans for the day and she was happy doing it.  Next week we start park days with our homeschool group and I want to get her signed up for girl scouts.  I missed the sign ups for the Friday classes they have.  The sign ups were clear back before I had even decided to homeschool.  We will sign up for the January classes though. Meanwhile there are lots of field trips etc we can participate in.  I am limiting us to 2 a month! I figure that is way more than she would get at school.  Of course if there happen to be 3 in one month that we REALLY want to do, we can do it.  As it is I am planning 4 academic days a week, with the fifth day being for field trips, library etc.

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